Adiado para janeiro de 2021 o lançamento do novo exame para certificação PMP

COVID-19: Adiado para janeiro de 2021 o lançamento do novo exame para certificação PMP

O PMI estende a validade do atual exame para certificação PMP até 31 de dezembro de 2020 e adia o lançamento do novo exame para 2 de janeiro de 2021.

Disponibilizamos a notícia publicada em 18 de março de 2020 no site PMI :

“Date Updated: 18 March 2020

PMI is committed to the safety and well-being of our global community. Our Crisis Task Force is monitoring the situation arising from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) daily.

To assure your health and wellbeing, we have made decisions impacting several global events. We have sent email communications to those of you who registered for these events that have changed. However, here is a high-level summary of events that we changed.

PMI Certification Candidates 

For all certification exam candidates who are able to proceed with taking your scheduled exam, please consult test center information to your specific location at  PearsonVUE’s Coronavirus Update Page  as it is updated regularly. 

For candidates who already scheduled the exam but are unable to take it due to health restrictions or delayed with training, PMI will offer you to reschedule your exam and will automatically extend your exam eligibility until 18 January 2021. All paid fees will be eligible for a refund and you will be able to reschedule without accruing penalty fees. We are also actively exploring and expediting solutions to offer alternative PMP® exam delivery options, and will share more information as it becomes available.

For all PMP candidates, we are extending access to the current PMP exam until 31 December 2020 and postponing the launch of the new PMP exam until 2 January 2021″

A Direção do PMI Portugal