Empower you with power skills!
The PMI Portugal Conference ART & SCIENCE of PROJECT LEADERSHIP took place on the 12th and 13th October 2023 in Lisbon, and it was enlightening!
We’re privileged to have the facilitation of Peter Hudson and three amazing speakers.
Giusi Meloni discussed Ethical Intelligence, and key considerations in a world where we co-live with Artificial Intelligence. The EU proposal on generative AI is relevant and highlights the importance of transparency and content legality. We need to learn further about AI and about us to be able to define how best to integrate AI for our own benefit. Are you ready to put a mirror on you and listen to your emotions and fears? How do you choose to act?
Tiago Mateus reflected on Leadership 4+. After zooming in the digitalization era where Technology, Adaptability, Collaboration and Agility became relevant, with AI arrival it’s time to get ready for leadership 5.0. We must take responsibility for projects’ success, proactively build capability, expand our ability to collaborate, be agile and focus on benefits’ realization. Are you prepared to become a Project Leader and cultivate “soul” skills?
Lucila Dotto talked about the Art & Science of Active Listening. Power Skills: Communication, Problem Solving, Collaborative Leadership and Strategic Thinking help us work smarter. Active listening requires an open mind and heart. We’re wired to connect, and can help ourselves and others to remain calm, think clearly and choose wisely in tough times. People may forget what you said and what you did but they’ll never forget how you made them feel. How will you create a psychologically safe environment for your team?
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