PM Talk Empower the Change Leader

Em 2024, o PMI Portugal escolheu ter como pano de fundo o tema Be the Change.

Hoje é o dia mais lento do futuro!

Juntos, equipados de conhecimento, competências e ferramentas, somos capazes de maximizar o sucesso dos projetos num ambiente dinâmico.

No dia 14 de março, Cristina Barradas facilitará um fantástico workshop Empower the Change Leader no Porto.

No dia 5 de fevereiro, junta-te ao PM Talk para descobrires mais sobre este workshop hands-on que abordará a gestão e a liderança da mudança.

Este teaser é de acesso gratuito para todos. Inscreve-te já!


Cristina Barradas is passionate about people, life and how all interconnects, she is energized by change, its positive impact, and building alliances of learning and cocreation.

She completed a PhD in Life Sciences and has 25 years of global experience within R&D, Project and Change Management and Supply Chain in top Universities and industries in Belgium, France, UK and Portugal.

Enthusiastic about the art and science of project and change management and people’s growth, she is now dedicated to Coaching, Mentoring and Training. She believes in Coaching and Mentoring power to unlock people’s potential and its ripple effect. She is an ACC Coach by ICF and a Senior Practitioner Mentor accredited by EMCC.

She leads training and transformation programs in partnership with several organizations. She is a guest university lecturer in Change Management within the Executive Master of Program and Project Management at ISCTE Executive Education.

Valuing the idea of giving back, she volunteers at PMI, ICF, EMCC and PWN. She is VP Marketing and Communication at PMI Portugal, Director of Tutoring within PMI Portugal at Schools and leads the PMI Portugal Mentoring program. She is a PWN Angel.

Data e hora

> 5 de fevereiro | 19:00 – 19:30 


> 0,5 PDU 


> Gratuito. Inscrição obrigatória